Why Choose a Pediatric Dentist?

Did you know that, after dental school, a pediatric dentist has two to three additional years of specialty training focussed specifically on treating children? This—in and of itself—is one of the main reasons why parents choose a pediatric dentistry for their child. But, there are a host of other reasons (and benefits) of having your child visit a pediatric dentist. Let’s take a look at what some of those are, as well as unique offerings that make Newtown Dentistry an exceptional, inviting, and all-around amazing pediatric dental practice for children of all ages.

Pediatric Dental Care to Inspire Healthy Smiles (and Experiences)

 A pediatric dentist wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) provides dental care to a young girl. Oral health is of the utmost importance for sure, as is having a dentist who is experienced, knowledgeable, and educated in addressing dental care for children. But, in order for parents and children to feel at ease, there are other reasons why a pediatric dentist is a wise choice.

A pediatric dentist:

At Newtown Dentistry, our pediatric dental team doesn’t simply know and accommodate the dental needs of children—we strive to make each and every experience positive, rewarding, and even fun! Here’s how:

  • Little ones get to be a dentist for a day, providing a “thorough examination and dental cleaning,” for a Newtown puppet friend.
  • Children get to climb our indoor treehouse before or after their dental treatment (or while brother or sister is being treated!)
  • Dental examinations and cleanings include cavity detection with our safe and advanced LED, bluelight, SoproLIFE camera and CariScreen meter (that detects the risk of cavities using a simple plaque swab.) Children are also provided with a fluoride application with every cleaning to protect teeth.
  • Children, parents, and our pediatric team share time getting to know each other, making sure little ones are comfortable in the dental chair (this may mean a quick discussion on favorite Disney characters, the latest episode of Paw Patrol, or what’s going on in the world of PJ Masks).
  • Prizes—and good ones too—are for the taking after each dental service.

Doing the Best At Our Job, So You Can Enjoy Yours

A young male dental patient brushes a dragon puppet’s teeth with an oversized toothbrush. As a parent, you wear many hats and have several jobs: the provider, consoler, cheerleader…and the list goes on. Having to worry about whether or not your child is scared, uncomfortable, or uneasy about visiting the dentist is one thing we’re happy to help you scratch off your list. Our pediatric dentist Dr. Christine Landes, is kind, compassionate, and has been treating children in the local community for years.

We also strive to provide convenient appointment opportunities to help accommodate busy lives and schedules. We hope you consider Newtown Dentistry as your new dental home and look forward to welcoming you and your child soon!

Schedule your visit now, or call our office anytime at (215) 504-5437.


    Newtown Dentistry

  • DATE

    March 17, 2021


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