Newtown Orthodontics Offers Complimentary Consultations
Your search for an orthodontist near me with free consultations is over! Not only does Newtown Dentistry offer complimentary first-time orthodontic consultations, but we will also work with you to combine a dental appointment during the same visit. It’s our goal to offer all our patients ultimate convenience and flexibility. Consolidating dental and orthodontic visits is one of many ways we strive to meet the demands of our patients’ needs.
Our orthodontic team, just like our dentistry team, is dedicated to making our patients feel at home, anxiety-free, and valued. To get the most out of a complimentary 45-minute orthodontic consultation appointment, each patient receives:
- Full tour of our office
- Complimentary X-rays
- Thorough exam by one of our orthodontists
- Complete overview of recommended treatment
- Helpful guidance on orthodontic treatment payment plans and options
What Kind of Orthodontic Treatment Options Are Offered?
At Newtown, we offer several different orthodontic treatment options based on what your initial consultation determines. Our treatment plans are personalized to meet needs such as teeth overcrowding, gaps between the teeth, overbites, underbites, overjets, and misalignment of the jaw and bite. Your orthodontist will also consider your overall health, age, lifestyle, and other factors when deciding which treatment is best. Depending on what your orthodontist recommends, you may be a candidate for:
Our primary goal in providing your complimentary consultation is to help you achieve the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted, in a comfortable, relaxed environment.
Now can be your time to consult with the orthodontist Newtown, PA residents trust most.
Schedule your appointment now. Or, call us any time at (215) 504-5437.